Delicious, healthy, hot meals are available daily, prepared and cooked in the kitchen of a larger school and delivered to us to be served. The hot meals are provided by Caterlink.
Have a look at what is on the Caterlink menu for the spring 25 term.
School lunches are available free to all children in Years R to 2 under the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. There is a daily cost of £2.95 for older children in Years 3 to 6. Families in receipt of certain benefits may be entitled to free school meals. Please contact the local authority Bedford Borough Free School Meals or the school office if you are unsure how to claim.
Caterlink payments must now be paid online through the Caterlink website. Please contact the school office if you have not received your child’s login details. If you have any issues topping up your Caterlink account please email:
Children may also bring a packed lunch if preferred (click here for lunchbox ideas).
Please note that Sheerhatch Primary School aims to be a Nut-Free school, as some of our pupils have severe allergies to nuts.
Please help us to cater for your child by completing and returning the Caterlink Allergy and Intolerance Form.