Mental Health & Wellbeing

Our school prioritises focusing on wellbeing and mental health as this enables us to provide a healthy and happy school environment for pupils and staff and to prepare the citizens of tomorrow with sound character and values. It also directly supports our more immediate mission: the promotion of effective learning. If children do not feel safe and happy, they struggle to learn.
Our School is building into its structure and ethos a culture which emphasises the development of wellbeing and competence, and overcomes the stigma attached to mental health . In an authentic ‘whole school approach,’ wellbeing and mental health is ‘everyone’s business. This can only be achieved through genuine involvement and coherent working from all staff, pupils, governors, parents, the community and outside agencies.
Familiar school and class routines help build a sense of security which creates environments where everyone feels listened to, understood, and empowered. We explicitly teach social and emotional skills, attitudes and values, using positive trained, enthusiastic teachers and interactive methods.
Encouraging the pupils to become involved will have a positive impact on the pupils and its staff, promoting self-esteem, health-related knowledge and attitudes. This encourages self-managed behaviour such as looking at eating habits, physical activity, leisure activities, physical fitness, and risk behaviour.
All pupils are encouraged to have goals and ambitions they wish to achieve. We strive for the pupils to grow up to be confident and resilient so they can develop and fulfil these goals,
We are creating within the school an approach of early skills based programmes, such as Draw and Talk. We feel these aids in the identification of difficulties and assist us to implement preventive work and allows targeted interventions. Where pupils experience difficulties, clear plans and pathways are provided for help and referral, using a coherent teamwork approach, including in the involvement of outside agencies if needed.

At Sheerhatch Primary:
 Every child ‘checks in’ each morning. They have the opportunity to let the staff know how they are feeling that day. This is done in an age appropriate way.
 The school timetable allows for ‘wellbeing’ time daily where calm, mindful type sessions occur. The class teacher can decide when this is most appropriate.
 At Sheerhatch, we take part in a ‘Mental Health Awareness’ week where every child participates in a range of activities to have a better understanding of wellbeing and strategies to cope and help improve mental health.

A drop in is held weekly on each site. This is if for the children to sign up to if they want to talk to a grown up in addition to the normal opportunities.

Each child and staff member completes a wellbeing survey termly. These are analysed by the SLT team.

 We Promote healthy eating as part of a whole school approach, have our ‘Jigsaw’ PSHE scheme in place embracing mental health, wellbeing and safety and have an anti-bullying policy.

 We have a school council to take ownership of the thoughts and views of the pupils within the school.

Other staff members with relevant training:

D.Kipling and Jo Worth (Leading a Mentally Healthy school)

D.Kipling and J.Warwick (Mental Health Champion training)

C. Williams (Senior Mental Health training)

J. Warwick is our Young Carers champion please also see their website here:

H.Smith & C. Williams (Mental Health First Aiders)

Wellbeing Policy October 2022

Should you wish to speak to someone in school about any issues or concerns you may have regarding your child’s wellbeing, please arrange an appointment with Mrs Williams (Headteacher) Miss Warwick or Mrs Smith (our Mental Health & Wellbeing leads).

We know that caring for a child can be as exhausting as it is rewarding. Remember that our staff, including our family support worker are also always on hand to listen, without judgement, and help out or signpost support wherever possible.

Here are a collection of links that might help:     This charity provides a range of services including a supportive phone line.    The parent side of the NSPCC   Lots of useful links and a phoneline   Some great links and tips for achieving a feeling of calm   Information about Family Hubs in Bedford Borough

Here is a video that helps to explain ways to talk to your child about mental health.


Bedford Borough Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub is a one stop shop with a wide range of information, resources and links to support your own and your children’s mental health and well-being.