Hello, we are Badger Class. We are the Year Four children of Sheerhatch Primary School and our teacher is Miss Anthony.
In Badgers class, we are working hard to develop our confidence and knowledge of all subjects and we’re introduced to big concepts in maths for the first time (decimal and area). We look at a wide range of topics which help to deepen our appreciation and respect of both the natural world and the human world. Our topics include: extreme earth (where we look at volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes and many more); Ancient Romans, crime and punishment and many more.
We are also working towards our official times tables assessment (MTC check) at the end of the year. This means that we get to do lots of fun activities to push us to be an expert in our times tables. Please see the video on the MTC for further information regarding this assessment.
As part of PE in year 4, we go swimming for a whole term. This is a lot of fun for the children and an opportunity for them to learn out of school!
We also have a residential this year at the Frontiers Centre with the year 5 class, which we are all looking forward to!
Click here for the MTC video 24
STA MTC information for parents